You decide to craft a deadly staff of supreme magic. You clutch a steel knife in your right hand. You get the required amount of redwood from your stock of materials. You clutch a piece of redwood in your left hand. You slice off a large piece of the redwood. You slice off a large piece of the redwood. You slowly slide a steel knife down the side of the redwood. A large piece of redwood falls to the ground. You use sandpaper to carefully smooth the sides of the redwood. You slowly slide a steel knife down the side of the redwood. A small piece of redwood falls to the ground. You use sandpaper to carefully smooth the sides of the redwood. You slowly slide a steel knife down the side of the redwood. A small piece of redwood falls to the ground. You use sandpaper to carefully smooth the edges and corners of the redwood. The redwood is starting to look more like a staff. You stop using a redwood staff. You smooth out the last scratch in the redwood staff and place it with the rest of your items. [Creation Bonus: an experience point] Your eyes briefly flicker yellow. You infuse a redwood staff with mystical energy. You gather the required number of gems from your resources. You grab a handful of Alexandrite gemstones. You begin creating slots in a redwood staff. You place some gems on a redwood staff. You hammer the gems into place. You place some gems on a redwood staff. You hammer the gems into place. You place a redwood staff, newly augmented, back into your inventory. [Creation Bonus: an experience point] You get the required amount of tin from your stock of materials. You clutch a bar of tin in your left hand. You hold the tin in the fire to heat it. The tin becomes incandescent and malleable. You hammer the glowing tin on the anvil. The tin cools slightly. You hammer the glowing tin on the anvil. The tin cools slightly. As you hammer, the tin starts to look more like a rune. You stop using a tin rune. You place the completed tin rune aside to cool. [Creation Bonus: an experience point] Your eyes briefly flicker yellow. You infuse water into a tin rune, creating a tin rune of water. You place a tin rune of water onto a redwood staff and wave your hand over it. A tin rune of water melds into a redwood staff and disappears! You clutch a redwood staff in your left hand. You target a Tserak Beast. A Tserak Beast is pulled out of a rip in reality! You pummel a Tserak Beast very hard! [1071] The Alexandrite gemstones in a redwood staff sparkle brightly. You jolt a Tserak Beast hard! [971] You drain life from a Tserak Beast. A redwood staff directs an icicle at a Tserak Beast. [953] You zap a Tserak Beast with a redwood staff. You plunge a Tserak Beast into a pool of burning plasmic fire. [1160] You shove a redwood staff into a Tserak Beast's mouth and jolt it with an intense burst of mana. A brilliant light erupts from a Tserak Beast's eyes as they set afire and burn out of their sockets. A Tserak Beast collapses to the ground, empty eye sockets smoldering, and hemorrhages to death. [You receive 3 experience points] You pick up the squidgy, burnt eyeball of a Tserak Beast. Your eyes briefly flicker yellow. You preserve the squidgy, burnt eyeball of a Tserak Beast for all of eternity. You put the squidgy, burnt eyeball of a Tserak Beast in a magicloth bag. You grin evilly.