Your eyes briefly flicker yellow. You snap your fingers and a glowing ball of light appears. You pick up a glowing ball of light. Your eyes briefly flicker yellow. You infuse a glowing ball of light with mystical energy. A glowing ball of red light floats here. You put a glowing ball of red light in a symbol machine. You activate a symbol machine. A symbol machine suddenly burns white hot, consuming a glowing ball of red light. Something clanks and rattles inside of a symbol machine. You look inside a symbol machine. A symbol machine contains: a lesser glyph of enhancement You get a lesser glyph of enhancement from a symbol machine. Your eyes briefly flicker black. A lesser glyph of enhancement briefly flickers. Your eyes briefly flicker white. A warm feeling fills your body. A lesser glyph of enhancement glows brightly as it transforms into a greater glyph of enhancement. You study a greater glyph of enhancement and gain its secrets. A greater glyph of enhancement crumbles into dust! You clutch a hammer in your right hand. You get the required amount of marble from your stock of materials. You clutch a block of marble in your left hand. You accidently hit your hand with the hammer. You stop using a block of marble. You get the required amount of marble from your stock of materials. You clutch a block of marble in your left hand. You place a chisel against the marble. You strike the chisel with your hammer. You strike the chisel with your hammer. Large chunks of marble break off and fall to the floor. You tap the chisel lightly. Small flakes of marble fall to the floor. You file down the edges of the marble with your chisel. The marble is beginning to look more like a glyph. You stop using a marble glyph. You wipe the dust from the marble glyph and place it in your inventory. [Creation Bonus: an experience point] Your eyes briefly flicker yellow. You infuse enhancement into a marble glyph, creating a marble glyph of enhancement. You hop around like a little kid. You put a marble glyph of enhancement in a dragonscale pack. You nod at yourself. Are you getting senile?